Advantages of Research Design

Advantages of Research DesignA research design is the specification of methods and processes for getting the information required. It is the over-all operational pattern or framework of the project which states exactly what information is to be gathered from which source by using what methods. The research design is a strategy suggesting the specific ways which are essential to provide answers to research questions, test the hypotheses, and thus achieve the research purpose which helps select among the decision alternatives to solve the management problem or take advantage of the market opportunity.

Benefits and Advantages of Research Design

A research design functions as a bridge between what has been established (the research objectives) what is actually to be performed, in the conduct of the study, to achieve those objectives. It anticipates what the client will require with regards to results and the analytical work on the gathered data which will convert it to useful findings.

If there was no explicit design, the researcher would have just foggy ideas regarding what to perform. It is extremely advisable that the design be put on paper, for it is obvious how a study may go down the wrong path when its concepts exist only in the researcher’s mind. And unless the investigator has the ability to state the design in clear and written terms, it is doubtful whether he or she really understands what is to be carried out or why.

A formal design’s advantages are particularly appreciated when the investigator is deciding specifically what data are required. If data are collected that turn out to be irrelevant, that is both inefficient and puzzling. It is even more serious to have ignored some data which are extremely necessary, which may not be found until too late, at the analytical stage.

A research design also provides several advantages when studying the data and interpreting their meaning. It helps to keep the calculations and thinking on the path to solutions and recommendations. Having said that, we are really not recommending that a design be a rigid framework. A design had been selected on the basis of expectations, but surprise will be met as the research unfolds, in the character and availability of data and in new hypothesis which show up in the course of analysis. To put it briefly, the original design guides, but isn’t going to dictate, the conduct of the research.

A research design is similar to a roadmap-you can see where you currently are, where you want to be at the end of your journey, and can figure out the best (most efficient and effective) path to take to reach your destination. We may have to take unexpected detours on the way, but by keeping our ultimate goal continuously in mind and using our map we can get to our destination.

Choice of research design isn’t like solving a problem in algebra where there is just one correct answer and a limitless variety of incorrect ones. Choice of design is more like deciding on a cheese cake recipe-some are superior to others but there is no one that is globally known as “best.” I have listed some benefits and advantages of research design in research methodology, you may post your queries and feedback in the comments section.


  1. nakanjakko maria solomy says

    good notes

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