Characteristics of Interest in Research

The characteristics of interest in research methodology determine what there is regarding the units which is of interest to the decision maker. These characteristics belong to two classes: the dependent variables and the independent variables. The dependent variables are those of interest for their own sake. For instance, in marketing, they typically talk about behaviour or attitude towards a companies offering.

Good examples are purchases, awareness, views, or profits related to consumer behaviour attitudes. The independent variables as part of the problem definition are those characteristics considered to be associated with the dependent variables. These variables may either be within the control of the organization (endogenous) -such as advertising, pricing or personnel -or beyond the control of the organization (exogenous). Exogenous variables of potential interest include a large number of possibilities, varying from competition and govt actions to economic situations to individual buyer characteristics.

It really is difficult to provide a complete set of different characteristics of interest in research to the manager. In order to get over this impossibility, numerous professionals and theorist have recommended a multitude of classification techniques. No system is ideal for all projects and all discussions; but the 2 * 2 matrix created by Frank, Massy, and Wind has a couple of principal benefits: simplicity and the highlighting of measurement assumptions. This matrix is presented below.

Characteristics of Interest in Research

Figure 1 – Matrix

Cell 1-General objective measures: It for instance may have two distinct kinds of variables: demographic and socio-economic. The demographic are highlighted by age, sex, phase of life-cycle, marriage status, period, geographical location, and rare or ethnic group. The socio-economic variables, generally stress income, education, and occupation either singly or in some combination assumed to be a measure of social class.

Cell 2-General inferred measures: Variables in this cell are general in character and usually are not directly measurable. Personality traits, intelligence, and style of living are good examples for these variables. The addition of these variables in marketing research projects is commonly motivated in the same way as those of cell 1.

Cell 3-Situation specific objective measures: Variables included in this class are usually behavioural with regards to the market. Purchase behaviour, brand usage, shop patronage and loyalty, advertising exposure, and level of innovation are types of these variables. This kind of behaviour is frequently an ultimate or intermediate objective of the marketing administrator.

Cell 4-Situation specific inferred measures: Perceptions, attitudes, intentions, and preferences towards particular brands, items, and firms are types of the standard variables in this class.These variables differ from those in cell 3 due to the fact that they are neither directly measurable nor can be observed. Moreover, the researchers may differ in either the conceptual or operational definitions of variables in this cell. In contrast to the variables in cell 2, the variables in this cell might be of direct interest to the marketing executive. Therefore these variables are results  under test in the research; the adequacy of their definitions is thus vital. The advertising hierarchy concepts include variables from this cell, establishing mental states that are assumed to lead to and precede purchase and repeat purchase.

Thus the above discussed table of 2 x 2 matrix could be employed to identify and measure the characteristics of interest in any research problem.

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