Management Articles & Notes

This page is dedicated to management articles, notes, tips and resources. You can find articles on a variety of topics related to management here.


In simple words, management is the art of getting things done through others. In other words, management in all business activities is considered the act of coordinating the efforts of individuals to achieve objectives and goals making use of available resources wisely. Management is frequently covered as a factor of production together with equipment, materials, and funds. Management includes the manipulation of human capital within an organization to help with the success of a business. In a commercial business, the main function of management is the satisfaction of a number of stakeholders. This usually requires making a profit, producing valued goods at affordable prices, and giving rewarding job opportunities for workers.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Strategic Alliance

This article talks about some advantages and disadvantages of strategic alliances. An alliance enables a company to gain competitive advantage via access to a partner’s resources, including markets, technologies, capital and people. Strategic alliances have risks which cover anything from the loss of operational control and confidentiality of proprietary information and technology.

Physical Evidence in Marketing Mix

The physical evidence displays the quality of service that the organization provides and wants to convey to its customers. The key components of physical evidence range from the physical environment, the modes of communication, service personnel, the tangible elements associated with the service and the brand. There may be two kinds of physical evidence: Peripheral evidence and Essential evidence.

Stages of Group Formation

In this article, we will talk about the Bruce Tuckman’s 5 stages of the Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing – Adjourning, process of group formation. Before a group becomes productive, it usually goes through the five stages and also through some cycles of high/ low performance.

Short Note on Vertical Integration

The term vertical integration means coordinating the various stages of an industry chain when bilateral trading is just not beneficial. Vertically integrated businesses in a supply chain are united by way of a common owner. Generally each member of the supply chain generates a different product or service. Vertical integration is a dangerous, complicated, expensive, and difficult to reverse strategy. Vertical integration is an approach to prevent the hold-up problem.

Short Note on Regression Analysis

Regression analysis attempts to evaluate the link between a dependent variable and a group of independent variables (one or more). It is a statistical process for estimating the relationships between variables. It includes several approaches for modeling and analyzing several variables, when the focus is on the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.

5 Steps of Research Process

In this article, we will discuss the 5 steps of research process. The process in this article is just one of many; however, it is a tried and proven process. We will talk about problem definition, research design, data collection, data analysis and interpretation.

Steps in Defining the Research Problem

The research problem needs to be defined in an organized fashion, giving due weightage to all relevant points. The technique for the purpose involves the undertaking of the steps usually one after the other. A brief description of all these steps is provided in this article.

Time and Space Coordinates in Research

In this post, we will talk about the Time and Space Coordinates in research problem. The time dimension is always related to future. The space coordinate offers the geographical boundaries within which the action is to be taken. It is crucial that the decision maker and the researcher set up the right time reference for the decision.

Characteristics of Interest in Research

The characteristics of interest determine what there is regarding the units which is of concern to the decision maker. These characteristics belong to two classes: the dependent variables and the independent variables. We will discuss about the 2 * 2 matrix created by Frank, Massy, and Wind also.

Objectives of SEBI

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) protects the interests of investors in securities and encourages the growth and development of the securities market. SEBI is managed by its members, which includes a Chairman, two Officers from Union Finance Ministry, one member from RBI, five members are nominated by Union Government of India. The key objectives of SEBI are: investor protection, regulation of stock markets in India, check for insider trading and control the financial Intermediaries.